About Us

About Us

ETICA Solutions is a consulting firm that provides multifarious services in the Human Resources and legal & regulatory compliance space, manpower recruitment, training and development, manpower supply, contract management solutions & litigations, on-site compliance support in labour laws, liaison with Government Authorities and Regulatory bodies etc.

‘Etica’ is a Spanish synonym for Ethics, which is a branch of philosophy that deals with the rational study of morality, virtue, duty, happiness and good living. The study of ethics dates back to the very origins of philosophy in ancient Greece, and its historical development has been wide and varied. Ethics examines what is moral, a moral system is rationally justified, and how it must then apply individually and socially in everyday life is a reflection on the moral fact, find the reasons for adopting a moral system or another. It requires reflection and argumentation. In today’s fast developing business horizon, there are many challenges posed on business that need test of Ethics involving human & business side. Etica with its services unfolds as a unique solution provider with ethics as its hallmark for rendering all its allied services. We have our registered office and global delivery centres in Mumbai and business locations in Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Rajkot and New Delhi in India.

Our organisational journey started like the famous saying ‘One plus one makes an Organisation’ in Vadodara and has added 100+ talent in this unique service constellation.

Etica Solutions has combined Values, Talent, Knowledge, Technology and Legal expertise to cater comprehensive IT-enabled compliance solutions to all sizes of companies in Human Resources, Industrial Relations, Legal services, Statutory Compliance, Liaison and Business Consulting fields.

Our Vision

Every day of our life, we strive to lead and inspire our clients to simplify compliances for all businesses, guiding and enabling them to focus on their core business activities and to achieve ethical ends that has a positive and lasting impact on the society and communities at large.

Our Mission

  • To impart services that add lasting value by correctly interpreting labour laws and simplify compliances to aid the businesses of our clients.
  • To cater to our clientele hiring needs with value-driven resources & Talent strategies.
  • Provide on-site business support in terms of legal and Statutory compliances so as to achieve maximum compliance by training, handholding, work shadowing and making it a part of routine work ethics practices in Human Resources & Industrial Relations space.
  • Spread knowledge & awareness through digital, social media and AI channels on work-ethics, trainings, webinars etc that foster business penetration across levels and sizes of the companies.
  • Highlight and provide ethical solutions to businesses for long-term success and sustainable growth by imparting high impact training to its associates and stake-holders.
  • Engage with businesses to maintain high level of legal and Statutory compliance level on a sustainable basis and drive ethics driven entities.